L&M Finance Group


In 2021 the European Union (EU) will introduce the European Travel Authorization Information System (ETIAS), which means amending the conditions for visa-free travel to the EU for third-country nationals, including Ukraine. Such an initiative was shown back in 2016 as part of the preparation by the European Commission of proposals to strengthen security at the external borders of the EU. In autumn 2018, the EU approved the necessary legislative decisions on ETIAS
What will be changed for the citizens of our country since 2021?
In general, the algorithm will look as follows. A person wishing to exercise the right of visa-free entry into the EU will have to obtain a prior permission to travel by applying online.
Issuance of an entry permit will take several minutes in the absence of comments from EU law enforcement agencies or issues requiring further study.
It should be noted that for each application the applicant will have to pay a fee of 7 euros (for persons under 18 and over 70 years old - free of charge). The permit will be valid for 3 years or until the expiration of the travel document registered at the time of application.
It is important to understand that ETIAS is not an analogue of the visa system. It is only a simple pre-authorization. In case of denial of entry through ETIAS, the person has the right to appeal the decision of the system. This procedure will allow the EU to identify in advance individuals who may be a threat and significantly increase the security of the EU's external borders. The new system will also significantly reduce the number of refusals to enter the EU directly at the border, because travelers will know the decision of the respective countries in advance, which will significantly reduce the costs of such persons.
More details about the system and the list of countries other than Ukraine whose citizens are required to pass authorization can be found on the official ETIAS website: https://www.etias.info/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc.