L&M Finance Group


On June 1, the Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine No. 1716/5 of May 19, 2020 came into force, which approved new forms of applications in the field of state registration. It should be noted right away that their number has changed significantly. Now there are nine of them:
  • Application for state registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • Application for state registration of a legal entity (except for public organizations and authorities);
  • Application for state registration of a legal entity - authority;
  • Application for state registration of a legal entity - public formation;
  • Application for state registration of a separate division of a legal entity;
  • Application for confirmation of information on the ultimate beneficial owner;
  • Application for state registration of a public formation without the status of a legal entity;
  • Application for state registration of symbols of public formation;
  • Application for state registration of the all-Ukrainian status of a public association.
Also, by the mentioned order has been established that the submission of applications in the field of state registration of legal entities, individuals - entrepreneurs and public groups is carried out:
  • in electronic form - after the completion of software tools by which such statements are generated in any form suitable for perception of their content, according to the information provided for each type of statements, about which a corresponding announcement is posted on the website of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine;
  • in paper form regarding the selection of a simplified taxation system and / or voluntary registration as a payer of value added tax and / or inclusion in the Register of non-profit institutions and organizations - from the day of posting on the website of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine the corresponding announcement about the possibility of choosing a simplified taxation system and / or voluntary registration as a payer of value added tax and / or inclusion in the Register of non-profit institutions and organizations by filling out the relevant pages of applications in the field of state registration of legal entities, individuals - entrepreneurs and public organizations;
  • without entering information about the telephone number and / or email address of the founder / participant, leader or member of the governing body of a legal entity into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, individuals - entrepreneurs and public groups - until the software tools of this registry are finalized.
С соответствующими заявлениями можно ознакомиться на официальном сайте Министерства юстиции Украины, перейдя по ссылке:  https://minjust.gov.ua/m/formi-zayav-u-sferi-derjavnoi-reestratsii-yuridichnih-osib-fizichnih-osib-pidpriemtsiv-ta-gromadskih-formuvan.
The relevant statements can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine by clicking on the link: https://minjust.gov.ua/m/formi-zayav-u-sferi-derjavnoi-reestratsii-yuridichnih-osib-fizichnih-osib-pidpriemtsiv-ta-gromadskih-formuvan. Also, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine published on its website the basic rules for processing relevant statements:
  • the application is filled in block letters;
  • if a specific page of the application is not filled out due to the lack of information contained in it, such page is not signed by the applicant and is not submitted;
  • statement printing can be carried out on both sides of the sheet;
  • when certain fields are selected, the letter “V” or another similar sign is put in the application, which will indicate the election of a certain field;
  • information about the ultimate beneficial owner of the legal entity is filled out and subsequently updated only if there is another legal entity among the founders / participants of the legal entity;
  • information on the ultimate beneficial owner of a legal entity or the founder of a legal entity during state registration of changes or reorganization of a legal entity is filled in exclusively when such information needs to be updated in connection with certain changes in information about such ultimate beneficial owners;
  • filling out more information than necessary in the application is not prohibited and is not a reason to suspend consideration of documents.