The Dutch government has taken the economic consequences of COVID-19 very seriously. Among other things, the authorities took the following measures regarding taxation:
- You can apply for an extension of tax payment for 3 months for all your income taxes, corpo-rate tax, payroll tax and VAT at the same time by filling out a special online form (in Dutch);
- You can also apply for an extension of payment for a number of other taxes and fees: excise tax, landlord tax, environmental taxes, insurance premium tax, rates and lotteries;
- in this country you do not have to pay fines for late payment of taxes;
- the usual interest rate on the fee after the due date has been temporarily reduced to almost 0%. This applies to all tax debts;
- the obligation of employers in accordance with the new Law on the balance of the labor mar-ket to inform about the employment contracts of permanent workers until April 1, 2020 is ex-tended until July 1, 2020.
- the deadline for filing tax returns, which should have been filed before March 31, 2020, has been extended by two months (the new deadline for filing is May 31, 2020);
- temporary suspension for two months of the obligation to pay VAT without imposing fines as a measure to increase liquidity for business. This measure applies to individual enterprises.
- providing financial assistance to employers in order to pay wages to their employees;
- From March 16, 2020 to April 1, 2021, the loan guarantee scheme for small and medium en-terprises will be expanded;
- Self-employed professionals will be able to apply for an additional temporary allowance for self-employed professionals to compensate for the loss of income from March 1 in the munic-ipality where they live;
- Entrepreneurs who have received a loan from Qredits microcredit organization are not re-quired to repay their loan within 6 months. During this period, interest will be reduced to 2%;
- € 4,000 compensation for entrepreneurs under the affected sectors scheme has been opened in a number of specific sectors that have been affected by measures to combat coronavirus;
- government will expand export credit insurance mechanism. Companies will be able to get a short-term warranty with a service life of less than 2 years;
- Local media, which see that their advertising revenue is declining, may turn to the govern-ment for support under the new retroactive temporary support scheme for local media from March 15.