L&M Finance Group
2019-11-08 15:19


 Law No. 1056-1 "On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Protection of Property Rights", which establishes a number of effective anti-raider means, entered into force on 2nd of November.
Among other things, the law provides for the following changes:
  • termination of activity of accredited entities - legal entities of public law, by excluding them from the list of subjects of state registration due to the large number of illegal actions on their part;
  • introduction of the principle of simultaneous execution of notarial acts and state registration of rights - changes to the register related to the alienation of a share in stock capital will be made exclusively by a notary who performed the corresponding notarial act immediately after the latter (except for joint-stock, limited liability and additional liability companies);
  • expanding the principle of extraterritoriality for individuals-entrepreneurs - now you can register on the whole territory of Ukraine;
  • representation in the process of state registration can be carried out only on the basis of a notarised power of attorney, the validity of which is verified immediately before registration;
  • access of the state registrar to the registries will be carried out through multi-factor authentication, thereby protecting against unauthorised intrusions;
  • существенно повышается ответственность за нарушение процедуры регистрации: за нарушение установленных сроков для проведения государственной регистрации юридического лица, требование не предусмотренных законом документов, а также другие нарушения установленного законом порядка проведения государственной регистрации планируется штрафовать от 6800 до 10 200 гривен.С полным текстом законопроекта можно ознакомиться по следующей ссылке: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/ laws/show/159-20#n228.