The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine canceled the list of critical import goods
Since the approval of Law No. 2325-IX of 07/01/2022 on the resumption of customs payments (cancellation of benefits), the National Bank has announced the abolition of critical imports, as stated on the official website of the NBU.Licensing for TPEH
Starting from July 1, 2022, the changes introduced by Law No. 1019- IX from 02.12.2 02 0 . Thus, the requirements of Law No. 481 apply to tobacco products for electric heating (TPEH) using an electronically controlled heater , in particular:The government canceled wheat export licenses
On July 8, 2022, Decree No. 759 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine came into force, which amended Decree No. 1424 of December 29, 2021 regarding the list of licensing goods for export and import.Penalties business for non-compliance with safety rules at the enterprise at the time of the martial law
On July 11, the Verkhovna Rada published draft law No. 7546, the purpose of which is to establish criminal liability for violation of the requirements of legislation in the field of civil protection for the period of martial law.The list of economic activities that cannot be carried out on the basis of a declaration at the time of martial law has been updated
From July 13, an expanded list of types of economic activities that cannot be carried out on the basis of declarations on the conduct of economic activities has been in force. According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 314 of 18.03. 20 22 in this list were added the following types of economic activity :Changes to the customs code, simplification of the process of declaring goods
On July 27, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted draft law No. 4517 , which introduced changes to the Customs Code of Ukraine regarding the regulation of the process of declaring goods in a simplified form. This means the ability to group goods with similar characteristics under one code and provide their full description in one column of the customs declaration.